Content starts here Filtering SQL Objects Using Search
This page last changed on Sep 25, 2007.

Filtering SQL Objects Using Search

The Search option available when creating a physical data service can be especially useful when:

  • You know specific names of the data source objects you want to turn into data services.
  • Your data source may be so large that a filter is needed.
  • You may be looking for objects with specific naming characteristics such as:

The above search command retrieves all objects that contain the enclosed string.

Using JDBC Syntax to Search SQL Objects

You can search through available SQL objects using standard JDBC wildcard syntax.

  • An underscore (_) creates a wildcard for an individual character.
  • A percentage sign (%) indicates a wildcard for a string. Entries are case-sensitive.

Another example:


entered in the Tables/Views field the above search string returns all tables and views starting with either CUST or PAY.

Special Considerations When Searching Stored Procedures 

If no items are entered for a particular field, all matching items are retrieved. For example, if no filtering entry is made for the Procedure field, all stored procedures in the data object will be retrieved.

Document generated by Confluence on Apr 28, 2008 15:54